Last information:
Poster size: A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm), portrait format
The conference offers a service of poster printing.
More information on section "Program"
Abstract submission for oral communications- Extended to 15th June 2019
Abstract submission for posters- 20th July 2019
Confirmation of acceptance of oral communications- 15th June 2019
Early bird registration- 20th July
Registration fees:
Students: 250 €, includes EPNOE registration for 2019 and 2020
EPNOE Members having paid their registration fees in 2019 or participants willing to join EPNOE: 300€
[EPNOE annual membership fee information for 2019: Individual membership: 150€. Universities and public research centers (all staff have the EPNOE member rate): 1000€ first year, 700€ after. Companies, see EPNOE site]
Other Participants: 550 €
COST - One-day participation for Students: 50€
COST - One-day participation for Full Researchers 110€
Plenary speakers, Keynote speakers and organization members: 0€
Accompanying person: 200€
Sugino Machine Limited

Polymers - MDPI


IZASA Scientific

